
Barish ke Har Qatre Par Sawab

(BARISH KE WAQT PADHNE WALA DUROOD SHAREEF) GET REWARD FOR EVERY RAIN DROP Allahumma Salli Wasallim Alaa Sayydina Wa Maulana Muhammadin Wa Alaa Alaihi Sayydina Wa Maulana Muhammadin Bi Adadi Qatratil Amtaar  

Manner Of supplication

  Before making supplication perform some virtuous act to attract the mercy of Allah (The Exalted). Charity in this regard is granted most effective. 

Aala Hazrat blessed Habits

Yaum e A'ala Hazrat  

Subhaan-Allahi wa Bi Hamdihi’

Question: Are there any other virtuous acts for the day of Eid. Answer: Yes. Do not forget your deceased. Imam Ghazzali ؓ mentions in his world-renowned book ‘Mukashifatul Quloob that, If one reads three hundred times ‘Subhaan-Allahi wa Bi Hamdihi’ And sends the Sawaab i.e. reward to the souls of all the Muslim deceased, Almighty Allah will brighten each of their graves with one thousand Noors i.e. lights, and when the reciter passes from this world, his grave will also be brightened with one thousand Noors.  

Imam Aazam Abu Hanifa

*YAUM E WISAAL HAZRAT IMAM AZAM ABU HANIFA RADI ALLAHU ANHU*  *WHO IS HE?*  He is the Imam of the Mujtahideen and one of the Greatest Fuqaha to have ever walked this earth. He was from amongst the Nobles of Persia. He was a Taabi'ee. He saw Hazrat Anas bin Malik Radi Allahu Anhu and reported from 'Ata. It must be noted that Hazrat Anas Radi Allahu Anhu  passed away in 93 Hijri so Imam Abu Hanifa was about 13 years old then.   His grandfather had accepted Islam and took the name Nu'man. His son was Thaabit who is Imam Azam's father. He was born during the era of Hazrat Maula Ali's Radi Allahu Anhu Khilafat. His father took him to Maula Ali Radi Allahu Anhu who made Dua for Barkat for him and in his descendants.  *WHAT IS HIS BLESSED NAME?*   His name is Nu'man bin Thaabit. His epithet  was Abu Hanifa, and his most famous title was Imam Azam. He was also known as Siraaj ul Ummah and Imam ul A'imma.    *WHEN WAS HE BORN?*   Imam Abu Hanifa Radi Allahu Anhu was


  Shab e Meraj