Ummul Momineen Sayyidatuna Khadijatul Al Kubra

"Ahle islaam ki maadaran e shafeeq
Baanuwaan e taharar pe laakhoñ salaam"

Sayyidatuna Khadija
  (Radi Allahu Tala Anha) 
 is the first wife of the Beloved Rasool صلٰى الله عليه و سلم
, whom Nabi Kareem  loved dearly. She was a very respectable 
and noble woman from the Quraish tribe. Her father’s name was 
Khuwailid bin Asad and her mother’s name was Umme Faatima bint 
Zaa’idah. The entire Makkah referred to her as ‘Taahira’ due to her 
chastity and dignity. She saw the beautiful character, and his 
beauty and splendour, therefore, personally wished to marry 
Sayyiduna Rasoolullah . She truly loved and honoured the 
Beloved Rasool صلٰى الله عليه و سلم. For as long as she was alive in this world, the 
Beloved Rasool صلٰى الله عليه و سلم did not marry anyone else. She was blessed with 
serving Sayyiduna Rasoolullahصلٰى الله عليه و سلم  for twenty five years. After her 
passing away, Nabi Kareem  would often say to Sayyidatuna A’isha 
 (Radi Allahu Tala Anha) .Khadija than better wife another had never have When everybody made kufr towards me, she brought Imaan on me, 
and when all others rejected me, she confirmed me. When none was 
prepared to give anything to me, then at that time Khadija (Radi Allahu Tala Anha) gave me all her wealth and belongings, and it is from her womb that 
Almighty Allah blessed me with children. [Zurqani]

Yaum e Wisaal
10 Ramzan Ul Mubarak 


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