Imam Aazam Abu Hanifa



He is the Imam of the Mujtahideen and one of the Greatest Fuqaha to have ever walked this earth. He was from amongst the Nobles of Persia. He was a Taabi'ee. He saw Hazrat Anas bin Malik Radi Allahu Anhu and reported from 'Ata. It must be noted that Hazrat Anas Radi Allahu Anhu  passed away in 93 Hijri so Imam Abu Hanifa was about 13 years old then.  

His grandfather had accepted Islam and took the name Nu'man. His son was Thaabit who is Imam Azam's father. He was born during the era of Hazrat Maula Ali's Radi Allahu Anhu Khilafat. His father took him to Maula Ali Radi Allahu Anhu who made Dua for Barkat for him and in his descendants. 



His name is Nu'man bin Thaabit. His epithet  was Abu Hanifa, and his most famous title was Imam Azam. He was also known as Siraaj ul Ummah and Imam ul A'imma. 



Imam Abu Hanifa Radi Allahu Anhu was born in Kufa. There is a difference of opinion amongst the Ulama regarding the year of his birth. Some say it was 70 Hijri and some say it was 80 Hijri. Shareh Bukhari Mufti Sharif ul Haq Amjadi Alaihir Rahma says, Many people give preference to his birth being in 80 Hijri,  but many Muhaq'qiqeen have given preference to 70 Hijri. According to this humble servant (Shareh Bukhari), 70 Hijri is the correct date. 


He was blessed with vast knowledge and wisdom. He answered judicial issues with immense ease, but exercised immense caution when passing rulings. He is one of the greatest Jurists who walked this earth. He attained his knowledge from the best of teachers in his time. 

Amongst his teachers were Faqih Imam Ham'mad, Imam 'Ata, Imam Naafi', Imam Abdur Rahman bin Hurmuz Al A'raaj,  Imam Adi bin Thaabit,  Imam Salama bin Kuhail,  Imam Abu Ja'far, Imam Muhammad bin Ali, Hazrat Qatadah, Hazrat Amr bin Dinaar, Imam Abu Ishaaq etc.(Allah is pleased with them all). 

Amongst his most prominent students are; Qazi Abu Yusuf, Imam Muhammad bin Hasan, and Imam Zufar bin Huzail,(Allah is pleased with them all). 

He valued his time spent in the Court of  Imam Ja'far Radi Allahu Anhu and always regarded it as the foundation of his life, cherishing the knowledge and piety which he attained from him. He says, 

He was once asked, Huzoor what is your age? He said, I am two years old. The person who asked was amazed at the answer and he looked in astonishment at Imam Abu Hanifa Radi Allahu Anhu. So Imam Abu Hanifa Radi Allahu Anhu said, O my dear brother! Apparently more than 60 years of my life have passed, but I only count two years of those years in my life to be my life and age, which I spent in the company of Imam Ja'far Radi Allahu Anhu, in such a manner, that due to his blessed personality, in those two years I was not distracted from the Zikr of Allah even for one moment. I do not regard the remaining years of my life as deserving and worthy so I only regard my real life and age as being two years old.



He was humble and respectful and showed immense love for the Ulama. He was very generous and kindhearted. He also showed immense love and respect towards the elders and most of all, he taught us how to love and respect our parents. 

Imam Abu Hanifa Radi Allahu Anhu says, *I give out 20 Dirhams of Khayraat (charity of good virtue) every Friday, for the Esaal e Sawaab of my parents and I have taken a vow for this. I give 10 dirhams for my father and 10 dirhams for my mother.* With the exception of this, he used to distribute other things as Sadqa on behalf of his parents as well. 

Imam Abu Yusuf Radi Allahu Anhu says, *Imam Abu Hanifa used to complete one Qur'an Shareef daily and in Ramadaan he would complete 61 Qur'an Khatam. He feared Almighty Allah so much that when Khashiyah i.e. Fear of Allah would be discussed, he would start to weep.*




According to  historians, he journeyed from this world on either the 2nd or 4th of Sha’baan 150 Hijri, and the second is more common. The crowd was so huge that his Janaazah was performed six tmes. The last Janaazah Salaah was performed by his son Sayyidi Ham'mad Radi Allahu Anhu. 


He is resting in the Cemetery of Khayraan in the area which is today known as Azmiyah which is alongside the River Dajla, in Baghdad Shareef, Iraq. 



*1* Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mubaarak Radi Allahu Anhu said, *Abu Hanifa was the greatest Faqih amongst the people. I have not seen anyone like him in Fiqh.*


*2*  Hazrat Imam Shafi’i Radi Allahu Anhu says, *All the (Ulama and Fuqaha amongst the) people are the descendants of Imam Abu Hanifa in matters of Fiqh.* 

*3* Hazrat Imam Malik Radi Allahu Anhu says, *I found him to be such a personality,  that if he wished to prove this pillar to be gold, then he would be able to do so on the strength of his knowledge.* 


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